Monday, December 9, 2013

18 Weeks Out

18 Weeks Out

Another week passed.  18 weeks to go!  This week has been quite challenging.  Work was very, very taxing this week and then came some added emotional stress – my coach is leaving the team.  On Wednesday afternoon an email came out that the team was looking for a coach.  I didn't really think too much of it; I thought maybe they were just adding an additional coach.  Later in the evening when I was getting my shower something hit me – my heart instantly started pounding and the dreaded thought of MY COACH might be leaving entered my mind.  I stepped out of the shower and emailed her immediately.  She replied very quickly and what I read was exactly what I was hoping NOT to read.  It’s pretty amazing how, this coach, that I have never met, has had such an impact on my life.  Tears started flowing and questions started entering my mind.  Thoughts like; she is the one that got me this far; how am I going to go on, there is no way I can compete now, I might as well unset my alarm in the morning; there is no sense in getting up for cardio.  My husband tried to reassure me that everything was going to be okay, but I couldn't talk without crying.  I tossed and turned all night long.  The next morning when that morning cardio alarm went off I laid there 10 minutes before I forced myself to get up.  I stepped on the treadmill and once I got going I was able to pick myself up (a little bit).  I knew it was time to stop feeling sorry for myself.  Rebecca might be leaving, but she gave me the confidence I need to go on.  My mind has now shifted.  I am going to step on that stage in April and I am going to make her proud!  

Now it is time to get to know my new coach.  I only hope I bond with her the way I did Rebecca.  It takes a special person to show that 'tough love', but to also be compassionate.  Rebecca did that perfectly!  I have been assigned to the Bikini Team Coach, Coach Vanessa.  I will be submitting my first progress report and pictures to her on Monday and I can't wait to hear her feedback.

My new plan is so much different than my old one when it comes to the cardio.  Last month was 60 minutes 5 days per week.  This one is 30 to 40 minutes 4 days per week.  The food plan and the workouts are very similar.  My big challenge next week is going to be prepping to go to camp.  I have read up on airline security and think I am pretty prepared.  I have my quart bag ready with carry on liquids…my vinegar and oils, peanut butters, etc.  I have my 6 pack bag ready with my food, and my carry on ready with my workout clothes.  I will fly out of Allentown Friday morning at 6:35 AM.  I am so excited to actually meet other Bombshells and to meet the Bombshell coaches.  The experience is going to be priceless.

Every morning when I wake up I walk to the bathroom I stare down the scale, and for the most part just refuse to get on it anymore.  I look in the mirror to check my progress and look for changes.  I look for any indication I can find that I am slowly but surely moving into the right direction of being ready to step on stage.  Some days I think, damn, I look lean today, other days I feel like a big puffy mess!  However, I do KNOW that I am in the best shape of my life at this point in time.  I am stronger and leaner than ever.  The picture to the right was very cool for me to see.  The left side was taken in May 2012 the right was this week.  Such huge changes in the leanness of my arms and core.  

Sometimes when  I feel I am making no progress what so ever I really lean hard on my coach and network of social friends.  They remind me to remind myself that even if I don't see changes every day each day of training and eating clean is making me stronger mentally and physically.  They help me find balance and remind myself that everyday I am improving my condition.  I am treating my body with respect and feeding it with food to fuel it.

Food is everywhere right now.  I am pretty happy with how I am holding out.  My kids laugh at me because I actually smell the goodies they are eating.  My younger son just thinks it’s weird and the older one thinks it would make it harder to refrain.  Cheat meal this weekend is dinner at Bonefish Grill with the family.  Can’t wait!

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