Friday, March 14, 2014

6 Weeks Out

6 Weeks Out

The past few weeks have seriously flown by.  It seems each week I have my strong days and my weak days, but I know each day I am fulfilling with everything I have.

My suit from Suit you Swimwear has arrived and while I am not showing it until show day I must say it is absolutely beautiful.  When I opened it up I was in tears.  It's stunning.  I was so afraid to put it on in fear of being disappointed, but I am very pleased with the fit!

In the past few weeks I have dropped some weight and body-fat.  I am now coming in at 102 pounds and around 13% body-fat.  My clothes are falling off of me and I hate how low my weight is, but I am really not focused on that as I am on the mirror. Originally, my goal body fat was 12%, but I have decided to let go of that goal and again, just focus on the mirror.  I'm very happy with the progression of my upper body.  My core, shoulders, arms and my back especially.  I have never been able to see any kid of muscle curvature in my arms and I am beyond pleased with them.  My lower body is coming around slowly, but surely.  I am hoping in the next 6 weeks I can really focus on tightening up my quads and hams.

Time management has been very challenging for me the past few weeks.  Training for 3 hours per day isn't the easiest task while working full time, being a mom, having kids in sports, being a wife, and a business owner, but I make it work.  I can only make it work with the help and support of my amazing husband.  The man is my solid rock!  His support along with the support I am receiving from everyone else is truly inspirational.  I have more and more people complimenting my physique, more and more people asking me what I am doing, more and more people approaching me at the gym commenting on how fit I look.  Aside from all that I have an awesome coach that is proud of me and believes in me.

So far this experience has been one of the most positive and rewarding endeavors I have ever taken on.  I attribute this to many things.  First, my coach, Asia Mendoza.  I had to go through several coaches before I landed my current coach.  She has been nothing but encouraging and aspiring.  It makes a world of difference when you truly feel like your coach believes in you.  She reads my emails each and every week and not only does she respond but she responds with such compassion.  Second, my husband.  He has been prepping my food for the past 8 months.  Each and every week he sets time aside to prep me for diet success for the entire week.  He puts up with my whining about weight, body fat, hunger, not getting a good workout, he puts up with emotional highs, and emotional lows.  Some days I can barely put up with myself, so I commend him for being my voice of reassurance each and every day.  I am stronger than I have ever been physically because of him.  My upper body workouts have improved by leaps and bounds.  When I can't get those last few reps he is there to push me.  With his help I have lost body fat, built muscle, improved my overall conditioning, and have become a stronger, more confident person overall.

My will to succeed is stronger than ever.  Thankfully I am in a place that 'succeed' to me just means stepping on the stage.  I am confident weather I place first or last I will be okay.  My success lies in having the dedication and determination to say that I have followed this diet and workout routine to a T.  That I have gone above and beyond to try to conquer my inability to pose fluently.  I know I have given nothing short of my all.  Sweat, blood, and tears - once I step on stage - I have made it.
The next 6 weeks are going to go fast, and I have a few fun things planned.  Tomorrow (3/14) I am driving 3 hours each way to meet with IFBB-pro Danille Carr for a posing session.  I feel Danielle will help me concrete my routine and work on being more fluent.  Next Friday is my birthday, and while I will NOT be celebrating with birthday cake, I will be taking a little trip (with my own food packed).  My husband and I are going to watch the Baltimore Gladiator.  This show will be an awesome experience for me.  It will give me a feel for how everything flows.  Last, and what I am looking forward to the most is on April 4th, my husband and I are flying to Daytona Beach for a weekend.  On Friday the 4th I am meeting with my coach.  We are going to put the finishing touches on my posing.  At that point I will be 3 weeks out.  I will have lots of time to practice my posing and be totally ready for show day!  The rest of the weekend will be for hubby and I to kick back and relax on the beach!!

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